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Why I added Hakomi in my Chiropractic Practice.

Hakomi therapy is a mindfulness-based approach to psychotherapy that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating a wide range of psychological and emotional issues. While it is typically used by mental health professionals, Hakomi therapy can also be highly beneficial for chiropractors looking to improve their practice and provide a more holistic approach to patient care.

One of the key benefits of Hakomi therapy for chiropractors is that it can help them develop greater self-awareness and empathy towards their patients. Chiropractors who practice Hakomi therapy can learn to cultivate a greater awareness of their own thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, which can help them develop a deeper understanding of their patients’ experiences. By developing greater empathy and understanding towards their patients, chiropractors can create a more supportive and healing environment that can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Moreover, Hakomi therapy can also help chiropractors develop greater self-care practices that can improve their own well-being and prevent burnout. Chiropractors often work long hours and may experience high levels of stress and fatigue, which can take a toll on their mental and physical health over time. By practicing mindfulness-based therapy, chiropractors can learn to better manage their own emotions and stress levels, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. By taking care of themselves, chiropractors can provide better care to their patients and maintain their passion and dedication to their work over the long-term.

Hakomi therapy can also be highly effective in helping chiropractors develop greater communication and interpersonal skills. Chiropractors who practice Hakomi therapy can learn to communicate more effectively with their patients, and develop greater empathy and understanding towards their patients’ needs and experiences. By improving their communication and interpersonal skills, chiropractors can build stronger, more authentic relationships with their patients that can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Another benefit of Hakomi therapy for chiropractors is that it can help them develop greater self-confidence and authenticity in their practice. Chiropractors who practice Hakomi therapy can learn to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and authenticity, which can help them communicate more effectively with their patients and build stronger, more meaningful relationships with them. By developing greater self-confidence and authenticity in their practice, chiropractors can improve patient trust and satisfaction, and create a more supportive and healing environment for their patients.

Hakomi therapy can also be highly effective in helping chiropractors address their own emotional and psychological issues that may be impacting their practice. Chiropractors who practice Hakomi therapy can explore their own thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, and gain greater insight into their own patterns of behavior and communication. By addressing their own emotional and psychological issues, chiropractors can improve their own well-being and provide better care to their patients.

In conclusion, Hakomi therapy can be a highly effective tool for chiropractors looking to improve their practice and provide a more holistic approach to patient care. By developing greater self-awareness and empathy towards their patients, chiropractors can create a more supportive and healing environment that can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Moreover, by developing greater self-care practices, communication and interpersonal skills, and self-confidence and authenticity in their practice, chiropractors can improve patient trust. If you are interested in learning hakomi I’d recommend visiting this directory of certified teachers and trainers here.


Protecting Your Family from Pests and Infections


Are the pests in your garden really bugging you? Keep in mind these pest control tips and keep those pests away your lovely garden.

Having your own garden has tons of benefits for the whole household. It provides oxygen for the lungs and brings a steady supply of fruits, herbs, flowers, and vegetables for the family. Moreover, the green color not only livens up a dull home, but is good for the eyesight as well.

However, along with the benefits, a garden brings with it pests! And these pests come in different shapes, sizes, and forms including worms, aphids, and mosquitoes to name a few. These pests may be very bugging, but do not let them stop you from having and keeping your own garden. The following are some helpful tips to keep those pests away from your lovely garden.

  1. To increase the circulation of air, prune the plants regularly.
  2. Inspect each leaf for pests regularly and remove the affected area to prevent damaging the plant further.
  3. Trim the grass of your garden regularly.
  4. If possible, plant pepper and marigold flowers because these plants are natural pest repellants.
  5. To prevent the growth of molds and the breeding of mosquitoes, get rid of any stagnant water. Don’t put containers where water can be collected.
  6. If you happen to have a small pond in your garden, place some colorful fishes such as kois. Colorful fishes will not only add color and drama to your garden, but will eat the larvae and eggs of most insects, as well.
  7. To get rid of unwanted larvae eggs, make sure to let the pond water overflow once in a while.
  8. As much as possible, do not use pesticides. It will only cause damage to you and your plants when used improperly.
  9. Use natural insect repellants such as mild chili mixture that emits a strong odor, warding off insects.

These are some of the effective ways in doing pest control. Remember, prevention is always better than cure and when it comes to the health and safety of your family, nothing should ever come first.


How Safe is Chiropractic Treatment?


Chiropractic care has gained a strong foothold in health care of people of different ages and conditions. Millions appreciate the unique and safe approach in the relief of pain and discomfort from back pain, neck pain, headaches and symptoms from other musculoskeletal and many other health conditions. The growing popularity of chiropractic care, which is attributed to the many health benefits it has brought satisfied patients is even more enhanced by people’s realization of the potential risks that conventional medicine approach can cause.

Risks of Medical Approach

Documented reports of the adverse effects of medication and surgery, the main treatment approaches used by conventional medicine, are rife.

A researcher at Harvard Medical School of Public Health, Dr. Lucian Leape, reports that the medical procedures that have ever been subjected to test for appropriateness through randomized trials is only 13%. Moreover, 3.7% of all hospitalizations end up with some adverse events. But what is worse is, 13.6% of those cases of adverse events ended in death.


Dr. Leape has likened medicine to aviation, a high risk industry, and even worse. The chance of perishing in an aviation accident is very slim – one in two million, while the chance of dying from an accident of medical nature is one in 200.

Perhaps the most comprehensive study on latrogenic injury or adverse events caused by conventional medicine is written by Gary Null, PhD, Martin Feldman, MD, Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Dorothy Smith, PhD and Debora Rasio, MD in an article titled “Death by Medicine”. In this review, it is revealed that:

  • 2.2 million hospital patients experience adverse reactions to prescription medicine per year.
  • 20 million antibiotics recommended for viral infections yearly are considered unnecessary.
  • 7.5 million surgical and medical procedures performed annually are unnecessary.
  • 8.5 million patients are subjected to hospitalization which are considered unnecessary.

But the most shocking statistic among all these is that 783,936 deaths per year occur as a result of modern conventional medicine. This is equivalent to an astounding 2,147 people killed each day everyday.

Safety of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic manipulation is a very safe and controlled procedure and the side effects from the technique are very rare. A lot of research and studies on the treatment point to a very high patient satisfaction.

A study conducted in 1997 that involved 4,712 treatments and 1,058 new patients reported the side effects from chiropractic adjustment that patients experienced. About half of all patients who underwent chiropractic adjustments reported some kind of side effects from the treatment. About 85% of these patients experienced mild discomfort and tiredness, which usually subsided and disappeared within 24 hours after the treatment, as reported by 74% of them.

Another article on a study to determine the effects of chiropractic treatment and its possible side effects was published in Spine in 2007. This time, the study was much bigger and included a larger number of treatments – 10,722. The findings from this more recent study reflected very similar results with the earlier study.

In both of these studies, there were no serious side effects reported.

A more serious but rare side effect from cervical manipulation usually reported is that of stroke or vertebral artery dissection. The incidence is reported to range between one in 100,000 to one in 5.85 million cervical chiropractic treatments. A research in a 2001 article put the risk of stroke or vertebral artery dissection to be one in 5.85 million cervical manipulations.

These figures tell us that the likelihood of having a stroke from simple everyday activities such as physical exercise, playing sports, doing yoga or pilates is higher than getting a cervical adjustment. Research shows that neck arteries are not subjected to any more strain in a chiropractic treatment when compared to normal neck movements in everyday activities.

Chiropractors are professional highly trained in manipulation and know how to execute it safely. They give their best to offer the best possible and safest care to patients. Research and statistics has confirmed this fact quite accurately.